Wednesday 25 March 2020

Mothering Reflection on Lady Day 
 These were some of my thoughts on Mothering Sunday but equally applicable to day as we celebrate the Annumciation of the Virgin Mary
Really hoping all is well in your households and that it stays that way for us all for as long as possible. This a strange and difficult time for us all, particularly as we cannot interact with each other in person, with our families or indeed with friends who maybe on their own.
Last sunday Mothering Sunday, a day that is often difficult for those who have had troubled relationships with their Mothers and families and it can be a day of heart break, but all of us  women & men alike practice the art of mothering, and mother ideas and people into their full potential.
Being a mother is a difficult task, we see this in this weeks Gospel reading where Mary stands by the Cross to watch her son die, the love between them is obvious as Jesus, although in his death agony is still thinking of the needs of the woman who gave him life.
And that my friends is the nature of love whoever we are, we are aware of the needs of others, even though   our own agonies.

So following on from Mothering Sunday as we think of all those who cannot connect with each other, let us remember the one mother we can all connect with, the one who gives and supports life for us all, the Earth, which is our mother, which has cradled  us and now must watch like Mary as we struggle.

As children of the living God and children of the living earth it is time to honour both, to live and work as loving and caring people, following the way of Christ’s nurturing love for all people and for the whole of creation, and as we gaze on the beauty of the earth all around us let us practice that way of love, for God, for neighbour and for the earth and may our every step be as a prayer  as learning the way to bring consolation to a hurting world? Amen.

A recording of this Address is on our facebook page which you can access at:

Monday 16 March 2020


Jesus said “Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”

Let us remember those words as the world around us seems to fall into chaos and let us face the future, trusting that God will be with us all through the time to come
But we must also look to practicalities and plan for what lies ahead so I ask you now to consider how we might continue to be church ourselves and for our communities in the weeks ahead.
I am sure you will be aware by now that that  people may be asked to self-isolate and that  church services  may be suspended, although I would hope  to be able to keep offering open buildings, with access to all for private prayer, non-Eucharistic Services and, weather permitting, services outside.
But how may we support each other and our neighbours during a difficult and perhaps dangerous time?
Firstly: you will be kept informed at all times either by email or phone or a in person from a required distance.
Secondly: here are a few  ideas that we may use over the next weeks/months
·        Pray over the phone together? Partner each other in prayer.
·        Share bread and wine in an Agape meal at a fixed time in individual home each week.
·        Facebook Groups for Book Studies and Bible Studies
·        Take Prayer Requests Online or on the phone, and have a virtual prayer meeting
·        Take requests for help with shopping, medication etc online or on the phone.
·        Ask everyone to light a candle at the same time and post photos
·        Have people pray in “shifts” over a period of time so we know someone is in constant prayer, particularly in Holy Week.
·         Practice Lectio or Visio Divina (information coming soon)
With my love and prayers to you all.

Trinity Sunday 2020

An excellent semon today from our Ordinand -in -Training Rachael. The Southwark Trinity – After Rublev by Meg Roe ( ...